Tuesday to Saturday | 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM | Free Admission
CLOSE to home – Garibaldi Art Club
Opening Reception: Saturday, May 6, 2023 | 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Exhibition: May 6 – June 24, 2023
This season’s annual juried exhibition of the Garibaldi Art Club, Close to Home, showcases a selection of the Club’s best recent works. The exhibition’s theme centers on the Club’s current chapter of emerging from a prolonged pandemic period of staying “close to home.” The artists were encouraged to reflect and share their unique experiences of this time through their paintings.
Close to Home presents varied interpretations of the theme: retreating from the outside world, spending more time with immediate family, reviving old pastimes, or developing new interests. For many, the outdoors has been their salvation, whether gardening, neighborhood walks, or exploring places amongst our local landscapes.
About the Garibaldi Art Club
Since 1959, The Garibaldi Art Club has organized Maple Ridge artists together to hone their artistic skills primarily in the medium of paint. With a current membership of 72 artists, the group exhibits artwork several times each year in Maple Ridge and beyond.
Meet the Artists
On Saturday, May 13, from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Garibaldi member Norma Jean Phillips will be a Guest Docent for the afternoon, offering in-depth information about specific painting techniques in the exhibition.
On Saturday, May 27, from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Garibaldi member Sahar McCullough will an ‘Artist at Work’ in the Gallery, demonstrating watercolour painting techniques. This is a drop-in event.
On Saturday, June 10, from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Garibaldi member Jack Prasad will be an ‘Artist at Work’ in the Gallery, demonstrating acrylic painting techniques. This is a drop-in event.
Kathy Nay, Steelhead Falls.