KC Kids choir with ginalina

monday, MAy 13, 2024 | 7:00 PM

Tickets: Adults $15 + fees | Seniors/Youth: $12.00 + fees | Child: $10.00 + fees

Please use Child discounted price of $10. 00 + fees for Kindergarten choir members

All prices are subject to a $1.50 Capital Improvement Fund Fee and a $1.50 Processing Fee.

About the show

Monday May 13 at 7 pm Canadian folk musician and family entertainer Ginalina will be performing at the ACT in Maple Ridge for a lively all-ages evening with the Kanaka Creek KC Elementary Choir. Approximately 60 elementary choir members will be on stage with Ginalina joined by 35 Kindergarten students for 3-4 songs. 4x JUNOS and 5x Canadian Folk Awards nominee Ginalina pioneers’ unique family folk music, fusion folk music, and beautiful children's books that celebrate family, nature, community, culture, and the connections we share between them. Her songs and stories are respectful and real, warm, and winsome, emotive, and energizing. Together, and in English, Mandarin, and French, with loved ones, strangers, and friends, we can sing, dance, and experience a creative sort of kindness that this world needs more than ever.

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