Waves, all that glows sees

A Théâtre des Confettis production

THURSDAY, January 25, 2024 | 9:15 AM and 11:00 AM | Studio Theatre

Adult: $22.50 + Fees | Child: $15.00 + Fees (For ages from 18 months to 4 year old)

45 minutes (approx.), no intermission.

All prices are subject to a $1.50 Capital Improvement Fund Fee and a $1.50 Processing Fee.


This magical introduction to theatre invites the littlest ones – from 18 months to 4 years old – to follow a path of seaside treasures into a huge tent made of sheets. The immersive experience fills the space with gentle music, lively characters, and anticipation, as the story unfolds. Children and their parents will meet turtles, seagulls and fish, and then experience dune grass, the sky, boats and the time that passes. It is a charming “postcard,” offering images, music, words and silence, like a poem for someone you love, or a holiday on an invented beach.

Le Théâtre des Confettis, founded in Québec City in 1977, has always placed children at the centre of its work, valuing their talent for subversion, their dreamy, poetic, heartfelt and sometimes crazy reactions, their laughter and their tears, and their fresh, curious and wide-awake approach.

Each show runs approximately 45-50 minutes and only accommodates 60 people (adults and children) for each performance.  

“With minimal means, true magic is created, punctuated with humour and suspense. Enthralled, a child in the first row says, ‘I never saw a show before. It’s too beautiful, too beautiful.’ And a young friend adds, ‘This show is good.’ Everyone is on tiptoe, with their eyes full of dreams.” – Dominique Berthéas, L’Ardennais, L'Union, Champagne Ardenne Picardie

“…a simple, gentle and poetic voyage introducing children to the world of theatre …they are fascinated, calm and attentive as this surprising universe opens up before their eyes … Children and adults leave the place filled with tranquillity, a pebble held in the palm of their hands and serenity in the depths of their hearts.” – Magali Paquin, MonThéâ


Thursday, January 25, 2024 | 9:15 AM & 11:00 AM | Studio Theatre


Masks are no longer required but are recommended for visitors to The ACT Arts Centre.

Please consider a donation to The ACT as you check out.

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